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Animal Health Monitoring

Principal Key Products About Key Products
Biotech Trading Partner Small Animal (Rat/Mice/NHP) Health Monitoring Elisa Kits Biotech Trading Partner offers Mouse/Rat/NHP Sentinel Serology testing Kits by ELISA
Small Animal (Rat/Mice/NHP) Health Monitoring Multiplexing Rapid Kits The Biotech Trading Partners SMART-SPOT (Sentinel Panel Test) is a simple to use, multiple analyte assay .  The SMART-SPOT-Mouse/ SMART-SPOT-Rat  test uses Mouse/Rat serum and will give simultaneous results for antibodies to 9 discrete mouse viruses/ 8 discrete Rat Viruses
Aquatic Diagnostics Fish Health Management Antibodies & Kits The product range produced by ADL enables detection of:
Economically important fish pathogens (AquaMab-P and Rapid Kits)
Fish antibodies to monitor the immune response in a variety of fish species (AquaMab-F and AquaMab-C).