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Gene Delivery

Principal Key Products About Key Products
Oz Bioscience

Transfection Reagents DNA transfection reagents, siRNA transfection reagents, mRNA / Viral RNA transfection reagents, CRISPR Cas9 transfection reagents, Controls & tools
Transduction Reagents Transduction & Infection, Virus production, Capture & concentration, Preservation & Storage, Magnetic Devices
Transfection Efficiency Luciferase Assay kit

Transfection Reagents Transfection Reagents for Plasmid DNA, siRNA, Lentivirus Production, mRNA
Luciferase Assays (firefly and Renilla luciferase) Luciferase assay kits include Firefly, Renilla and dual luciferases kits, luciferase reporter vector
Competent Cells Chemically Competent DH5α and DH10β Cells

Competent Cells  Competent Cells to make E. coli perform excellent transformation efficiency
Transformation Kit Champion™ E. coli Transformation Kit provides an easy method for rapid preparation of chemically competent cells with high transformation efficiency from fresh culture, overnight culture, or even directly from bacterial colonies on the plate.
System Bio

Imaging & Reporter Vectors Signaling Pathway Reporters, Bioluminescent Imaging Vectors, Cyto-Tracers, Stem Cell Reporters, T Cell Research Tools